Become a Dragonslayer
The Eternal Hall of Fame
Each and every year, heroes from all realms compete to be called the Dragonslayer. On their quest for the title, they score points with every entry they submit.
This wall is a virtuall record of their lifetime scores, starting with the first edition of Brickscalibur in 2021.
swords signifies the number of times a contestant has entered Brickscalibur before the current iteration.

There can only be one
The Dragonslayer
There can only be one. Well, one per year, that is. This table chronicles the best of the best, the ones that made it to the very top, the ones that may call themselves Dragonslayers.

W. Navarre 2021
jnj_bricks 2022
danko 2023
baixoNL 2024

Kings & Queens
This is where you are being celebrated for your adventurers! But don’t rest, you haven’t made it to the top just yet!

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ID5 swordsswordsswords 370
danko swordsswordsswords 349
ygrekgino swordsswordsswords 343
Sympatik Brick swordsswordsswords 334
Steinchenwunder swordsswords 296
Petric_G swordsswordsswords 292
Deltassius swordsswordsswords 286
Crescentius swordsswordsswords 279
jnj_bricks swordsswordsswords 273
BrickheXe swordsswordsswords 227
Andreas Lenander swordsswords 265
Brickabracadabra swordsswords 222
Math Wizard swordsswords 218
ABrickDreamer swordsswordsswords 217
gGhost swordsswordsswords 196
Lightbluishgray swords 190
DrB swordsswords 179
Mbricks swordsswords 176
Geneva D swordsswordsswords 173
W. Navarre swordsswords 171
Klaas de Wit swordsswords 164
Jaskier swordsswordsswords 163
JimBaggins swords 158
Aurore swordsswordsswords 108

On their way up
You’ve done well for yourself – not everyone may call himself a vasall. An honest profession for many this will be but a step on your way to the top!

T-86 swords 142
greenarj swordsswords 141
tomdekesel swordsswords 139
KoscheiLego swords 129
Sorcerer's Apprentice
Circus_Robot swordsswords 118
Francis swordsswords 115
socalbricks swords 114
baixoNL 110
Daniel Decker swords 109
flatlandbrick 109
Pepijn 106
Captain Rex swords 101
herrkraemert swords 101
CaptainFlint swordsswordsswords 100
Eyrezer swords 100
Vlad van Hoek 97
MustacheChicken88 swordsswords 92
soccerkid swordsswords 91
Wolver 91
Ranwell JRBricks 89
Daniel (FS Leinad) swords 88
Bumlin 87
Sarophas swordsswords 85
MadLEGOman swords 84
JackBricks swords 82
KitKat1414 swords 82
RowiaBuilds 82
steentje 81
jakob5456 80
Joseph 79
brianbrickster swords 77
Bolim swords 74
Juka swordsswords 72
YellowFrog 69
jtooker swordsswords 66
Carter W. swords 64
Syrdarian swords 64

Hard at Work!
Everyone has to start somewhere. You’ve taken the first step on your climb to the top, and for that you deserve praise!

Rogue Leader
Clockwork Bricks 61
Fletcher Floyd 60
Summerdragon 59
Nate (The Rock Monstrosity) swords 58
LittleJohn swords 57
Foot Soldier
Le Brickoleur 54
Petushera 53
Cecilie swordsswords 52
Rauy swordsswords 51
Ted A. swords 51
Zilmrud 51
KookyBricks 50
Simon Schweyer swords 49
valerius_maximus 48
Dominic S 47
Angeli 46
Ghalad 44
naPOwiLSON swords 44
cstucky 43
CommanderZod swordsswords 42
erined5 41
Mountain Hobbit 41
Arbrickio swords 40
Chocobrick77 40
Bellworthy Levelton 39
Brickleas 39
legobrickdesign swords 39
Nannan 39
Neon5 39
Revan 38
Tayaya swords 38
Barbarbrick 37
LegoMocFan 37
Silmaril 37
EMazingbrix 36
Stan 36
DeepFlowBuilder 35
Garmadon swords 35
Brick_Rebel 34
Dark small 34
George Grech 34
Idoneas of Hillcrest 34
NikiFilik 34
Byggi 33
Caleb Huet swords 33
etamax swords 33
mrcp6d 33
TobiZ 33
Eyerezer 32
Leah G 32
TreVDD 32
Uncharted Fabrications 32
DizzyBricks 31
m4ciup 31
Robo.Block swords 31
Simon Liu swords 31
Bly 30
Cameron Wilson Lego swords 30
Exluse 30
Jake Forbes 30
Lennert 30
Sombra 30
TomStuds 30
Mikei swords 29
Pichu’s Bricks 29
bricksick09 28
Maciej Koszyska 28
Marco Lambrecht 28
sionc 28
PeppersFrauchen 27
Stjerneand 27
Frike 26
Higgz 26
Calbion 25
Studious Bricks 25
Amorphous Bricks 24
Stable Boy
Johlie70 swords 23
woomy world 21
jaapxaap 21
Mighty Studs 21
Rachel 21
Miscellanabuilds 21
Alex 20
choopyjups 20
les briques de Loïc 20
o0ger 20
SJ’s Workshop 20
Space Bunny 20
DR. Church 19
LegoMonkey 19
Matt Margini 19
Michal Chmielowski 19
MzScarlet 19
Pondering Peregrine 19
SobekBricks 19
tayshoe_makeslego 19
Toger 19
BrickNinja 18
Henjin_Quilones 18
Josh Allinger 18
karp_brick 18
Kingdomviewbricks 18
Marcel V. 18
TheLordBonk 18
Dan the Fan 17
LegoMocFan 17
mutakondrio 17
Pohaturon 17
Ravelino 17
Sol Invictus 17
Justus 17
LuckyLuke 17
beedikt 17
Blufiji 17
JackBrix 17
Timothy Shortell 17
Tumbleweed3D 17
Vertaro 17
Artizan 16
Ayrlego 16
DDAGuy 16
evancelt 16
Gus 16
Inspirations2Creations 16
Jaka Kupina 16
janho 16
lechkulina 16
Louis of Nutwood 16
Medieval Brick 16
OrangeGareth 16
samuraispaceduke 16
Zapalski 16
11inthewoods 15
Alessandro 15
Aquila4 15
Cloudy Cat 15
DAN 15
Insomnia 15
Jan, the Creator 15
jheewee 15
Julie v 15
J2_Bricks 15
Margit 15
Sam JJ 15
Sandy! 15
TheBrickSpace 15
TheDragonBuilder 15
Typical_builds 15
Arfelan 14
beedikt 14
Beta Brick 14
daniel.bdky 14
Frung 14
Lego Dark Steff 14
MKJoshA 14
Picsou 14
Piotr 14
Tastymuffins 14
Telepathic Munch 14
Blacksmith Bricks 13
Bridgette (The Middlest Mouse) 13
Fili (Phil’s Bricks) 13
gkgidman 13
Killain 13
JakeNeedleBricks 13
Julian T. 13
Phoenix__ 13
Andy M. 12
arik_lego. 12
Br1ckman_UK. 12
LegoLamb 12
Pedro de Castro 12
pigeonorc 12
Rozle 12
RumHam 12
Sebastian Andersson 12
Tony Lee 12
Gentle Gidman 11
Ian 11
Tullergoy 11
LastBaron 10
Andy Mansfield 9
Levi Decker 9
Malachi Lounds 9
Mandee Longworth 9
Mile 9
Captain Rex’s Brother 8
Quinn 7
SevenSevenSeven 7

Return for more
A Living Record
The Hall of Fame gets updated each and every year with every new edition of Brickscalibur!
Keep returning to climb up the ranks and to one day be on the very top of the leaderboard!

Find us on Discord!
Brickscalibur will return – but if you feel like joining a bustling community of castle builders in the meantime, there’s a place for that!
Join us on the Brickscalibur server over on Discord!